Dr. Hemant Malhotra
President, Carcinogenesis Foundation - India,
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, International CML Foundation (iCMLf).
Director, Oncology Services,
Sri Ram Cancer & Super-speciality Center &
Professor & Head, Dept. of Medical Oncology,
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Hospital,
Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology,
Sitapura, Jaipur - 302 022. INDIA.
Dear Friends,
Immunotherapy for malignant diseases has been labeled as the ‘advance of the decade’ and some unbelievable responses in end-stage patients have been recorded. The field has moved from the initial studies on disseminated malignant melanoma to almost all solid tumors and to first line treatment. These advances in solid tumor oncology have been paralleled with the development of CAR T cell therapies for liquid tumors.
he conception of the ImmunoOncology Society of India ( I-OSI) was with the vision, to have a cohesive amalgamation of immunologists and oncologists and the diverse fields whose contributions have resulted in successful development, implementation and assessment of cancer immunotherapy including radiation oncology, pathology, transfusion medicine, surgery and imaging modalities. Real progress can only be made when we have the bench scientists on the same page as the bedside clinicians!
Progress made in human genome sequencing and bioinformatics, detection and understanding of genetic and epigenetic information of tumors and immune landscapes will help to establish individualized immunotherapy to obtain clinical benefits for more patients.
In a country like India, where very few patients are candidates for these very expensive drugs, the need for indigenous research and development of our own immune-therapy molecules and an Indian-Car is the need of the hpur. We strongly feel that the Society will promote development, implementation, and dissemination of scientific, evidence-based and comprehensive management of cancers by immunotherapy, and encourage basic and clinical research in the complex interplay of immunology and oncology.
The birth of the Society and the inauguration of the first newsletter is a proud moment for all of us. I encourage all the members to be dedicated to the academic pursuit and growth of this field and the Society to benefit masses of the patients in the country and the community as a whole.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Hemant Malhotra
President, Carcinogenesis Foundation - India,
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, International CML Foundation (iCMLf).
Director, Oncology Services,
Sri Ram Cancer & Super-speciality Center &
Professor & Head, Dept. of Medical Oncology,
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Hospital,
Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology,
Sitapura, Jaipur - 302 022. INDIA.